Sunday 10 November 2013

Opportunities of improvements - first try out

It is late Sunday evening and I just can't stop thinking my team. Today I was reading book Agile Coaching (by Rachel Davies and Liz Sedley).  I like the book because it is practical and that is exactly what I need: Practical examples like what kind of questions to ask, which options to try and tips on how to help teams - food for thought and inspiration.

When reading chapter "Introducing Change" and about picking one's battle I got an idea. I had so many challenges in my mind and picking my battle sounded like good idea. I sketched the challenges and looked at that for a while. Actually before sketching I wrote a long list of challenges but I realized that there were many things having something in common, kind of related to each other. And I manage to summarize it all to one small paper (size A6).

How should I pick my battle? Taking this to the team? Listening what the team is telling me - either by themselves or by me asking them questions? Or just picking one and start with it? I need to sleep at least one night and look this sketchnote again either tomorrow or day after that when I am back at office with the team.

I think it is good thing that I created the long list even I then summarized it. On the other by looking these big things I don't restrict my own thinking but  by having the long list I am able to do my own retrospective and see whether I have achieved value by helping the team with the challenges I have noticed.

Task for me for next coming week is to start informal one-to-one discussions with team members. I have had one-to-one discussion with one of the business developer/ product owner, very short 5 minutes discussion after team's Sprint Planning meeting. I was asking some clarifications for issues I didn't understand and I didn't even think at that time to ask questions which could have helped her to reveal challenges she is facing. After discussions I might sketch other kind of challenges.

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